Wenn ich einmal Gross bin

Eine Auseinandersetzung von digitaler zu analoger Fotografie, Fragmentieren und Street Art in Basel, 2011.
A contemplation of digital to analog, fragmentation, growing up and street art in Basel, 2011. Under the name of 2000000.

A palm tree on a wall made from small pictures
Die Palme, Wettsteinbrücke Basel
A palm tree on a wall made from small pictures with a man next to it
Die Palme, Wettsteinbrücke Basel
A watering can on a wall made from small pictures
Die Giesskanne, Oberer Rheinweg Basel
A tram on a wall made from small pictures
Das Tram
A hose on a wall made from small pictures
Der Schlauch, Tinguely-Brunnen Basel
A rainbow made from small pictures
Der Regenbogen